Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Business Review - Huh?

Martin Says:

So what's up with a business review? Yea, I know....for me, it will be few and far between. I usually talk about the issues of the day, or as in Washington, the issues of the moment. But this is important since everyone reading this is using a computer somewhere. So here it is.

When I had my PC made, I went nuts and had the "maker" put the hard drives in RAID mode. Why? I have asked myself that so many times, all I get for answers are zero's and one's, ala binary code. It was and is that mysterious to me. I knew I was wasting some hard drive space for the sake of something I was told, of which I cannot recall. Perhaps I should have had them put in more memory?

So NOW what? I checked and found a business on Twitter in my local area, and I will disclose that I do know the owner and I knew of his integrity and the thought that I will NOT get ripped off (not because I knew him, but because of his integrity) so I sent an email.

Parts were ordered and we set up a time for 9am yesterday. Lo and behold, he was on time! A business, making a house call, was actually ON TIME! Wow! Am I back in the 60's? It was good.

To make a long story short, as those of you who know me are aware of how long winded I am, the PC was completely redone and it is just screaming along. Faster and better than ever.

I am a retail "watcher" and when I see a lack of customer service or caring on the part of a retailer, I spread the word. However, when I see caring and customer oriented service, I spread the word as well! Word of mouth is the best way for a person to know if the service was good or bad. And I will tell you all in Martin and Rivers land that this was GREAT customer service. On time. No rip off. Explained the why's and the how's and the when's. Even took time to see if I had any questions. (I was preparing myself for a test!)

So here is the bottom line. You have a Windows or MAC based computer that needs a look-see? A repair? An upgrade? A diagnostic? Then I do recommend that you look into contacting CH Technology. Contact Chad at, Twitter him at @CHTechLLC and ask away and/or call him at 414-350-2422. Tell him that Martin sent you. He may still speak to you anyway!

And no, I am not a paid consultant or an advertiser of CH Technology. As I said earlier, I do know him but I do not work for him. I just enjoyed the service he performed on my computer and thought that the word needs to go forth.

So word......... Go forth hither and yon and reach the blogotweeps!

Ya done good, Chad!

Martin (of Martin and Rivers, of course)

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